My Angle

By myangle

Dad having breakfast

Jo and I are spending the week looking after her father who has dementia. Andy is Dad's full time carer but he is taking a well earned week off. Dad is a quite high maintenance. He is just a likely to put something metal in the microwave as he is likely to quietly sit and read the newspaper. Today I had to keep poking my head around the corner every time he went quiet for more than five minutes. Most of the time he is just a bit vague and has a bit of trouble making himself understood. He is still good fun to spend time with though.

I took this photo this morning while he was having his breakfast which he prepares for himself. I was a bit alarmed at the mixture of ingredients, but he was obviously enjoying it and I couldn't see any harm. Hopefully I will get a chance to take a few more images if Dad this week. I will have little time to look for anything else.

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