
By esme

End of an era.

Well, in the grand scheme of the world it was a relatively short era, lasting just under 3 years, but it's the end nonetheless. Today was my last day at work, so thought it would be fitting to blip the moment I ran my last set of calibration results. Woohoo!! No more excel!!

It's all been a bit sudden, but I'm luckier than most because I asked for voluntary redundancy, so it wasn't such a shock. Still, it wasn't a very long time before suddenly, here I am working my last day and having to say cheerio. It was a lovely place to work (though I was very tired of the job, if you know what I mean), so it's sad to have to say goodbye to such great colleagues. From the guy you could chit chat about Grey's Anatomy with, the guy who would help with every excel problem, the cool dad who always has a smile for you, or the recently-joined-on-secondment girl who's just the nicest girl you've ever met (and finally a girl to work with! - that's her above my monitors), they were all fantastic people. I even welled up a bit when one of the directors called my desk out of the blue to say he's sorry to see me go! I'm such a wuss!

Here's hoping the next place, wherever it may be, is just as good.

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