
By Nigel


For some reason there is a little collection of Christopher Brookmyre books on a shelf in a corner of The Holyrood 9A. No other books I cna see, just a small group of these that look rather suspiciously like they used to live in a library.

Bit of a night out, Jen is off tomorrow, the job I have been approached about has progresses to second of 3 interviews so we felt slightly bouyant. The Regent had a pub quiz so we quickly downed our pints (rather tricky for Jen with her Old Rosie at 7%) and headed up for the Holyrood. After some chips on the mile we also popped in to the Tollbooth Taver where I proceeded to order a large Glenkinchie before realising they do 35ml measures.

Home slightly more tipsy than planned, but happy.

The Doors - Strange Days
The Future Sound of London - Environments II

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