Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Mucky Feet captured on Polaroid!

Having said the other day that my newly acquired retro Polaroid camera will not replace my digital camera today it had to step in. My son was sprawled on the sofa this evening and his feet were FILTHY...presumably he's been running around in the garden sans shoes again.

I reached for my G9 but the battery was flat and I knew by the time I'd fetched my SLR he'd have moved or disappeared. I wanted a natural shot so I grabbed the Polaroid and SNAP. The noise disturbed him of course...those things make some serious whirring and clunking sounds! Then I remembered I'd still got the flash covered with bin liner plastic so I had an anxious two minute wait but in fact it's come out pretty well. The flash would probably have bleached the whole thing.

The rug looks filthy but I assure you it isn't...that's the film's fault! However the feet really were that black :-)

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