Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze


More relaxing day today and relatively free of getting-the-flat-ready stuff. Was lovely to have LadyFindhorn for coffee this morning in our new place and share our how-to-maximise-that-little-space and can't-possibly-get-rid-of-that experiences. BB and I enjoyed the new flat today for the first time. In fact, so much so, and egged on by Lady F, we've now changed our flights from Saturday to Tuesday to enjoy it just for a few days more. And then we really have to return home to Barcelona, especially as BB's mum arrives two days later from Largs for three weeks! Wandered around our 'new' barrio early evening and took quite a few pics of these two lovely Irish lassies, engrossed in conversation at a bus stop on Newington Road. I heard their accent and was so tempted to talk to them (I want to talk to everyone now who has an Irish accent after my month in Belfast!), but resisted as I wanted to try to capture a natural shot.

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