
By D77

Chief of Staff

It's in the nature of the subordinate beast, I'm beginning to find, to always think they know best. It should be done this way, that way, any way but the way it's being done. Easy to say when it's not you that has to make the difficult decisions.

I however do have to make the difficult decisions, and what a thankless task it is.

Talking of thankless tasks, it seems that despite showing a 235 average blip view count, MAiT (don't click that link) has amassed over 6,000 views since bragging here about hitting the 290,000 mark, meaning the chances of me hitting 300,000 views before her are whatever comes just before zero. Either she's a big dirty cheat or I'm being outclassed.

Looks like I'm going to have to fight back tomorrow with a picture of my pussy.

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