Feed Leroy

By FeedLeroy

Wide-eyed look of disbelief

My day today went something like this:

Woke up at 5:45am as Sian was up to drive down to Birmingham for an exhibition.

Went to work.

Went to early afternoon hospital appointment for an x-ray on my left foot (I've had a lot of pain in discomfort in my big toe particularly for the last couple of months).

Found out that this photo had been selected for display at the Open City Photography Exhibition at The Triangle Shopping Centre in Manchester from 9th - 29th July! Wahoooooo! Not my best ever photo but it was the best I could get on the day, so I'm pretty pleased with myself.

Had Chris and Susan over for dinner to catch up after their honeymoon and to take them over to see our new flat.

Watered the garden before getting into bed to post this.

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