My Aim is True


Pussy blip no 2

Out with some folk tonight. Where the conversations went along the lines of

Vague Acquaintance: I was travelling in The Balkans recently
MAiT: Oh
VA: Yes, a fascinating area. So much to see. Lovely people and such an interesting history in that region. Do you know much about it?
MAiT: Erm no
VA: Well I am sure you will find it very interesting
MAiT (heart sinking): Yes
VA: blah,blah,blah, Croatia, blah,blah,blah,blah,Dubrovnik, blah,blah,blah, the war, blah,blah,blah,blah, jews and muslims, blah,blah,blah, Tito, blah, blah, Bosnia & Herzegovina, blah, blah.......

and then

Person whose name I never remember: Aha, MAiT, how are you?
MAiT: well I'm a little......
PWNINR: Really, well, ANYWAY.... I am great, I am soooo wacky and unique, that I am just marvellous. Oh get me, and my wacky, zany, off-the-wall banter. Aren't I great? I know, I am great, aren't I? Wacky,that's me? And great. Always, always great. And you know what, I'm soooooo unconventional? Yes, so do you want to hear my views on religions, education, politics, health, and life and the universe and everything? Get me? Of COURSE you do, don't you?
MAiT: em....another pint?


came home. It's a Wednesday night. But Behave Like a Drunken Arse Night seems to be two days early this week. What is going on? The town was heaving with drunken revellers.

Had to do a real last minute blip. Running around with 10 minutes to blip. So I decided that after yesterday's success I would go for another pussy blip.

Especially as some blippers hadn't realised I have a pussy.

As you can see, she moved. As I have said this is why I never have been able to blip her before.

But this is all I have today, so it'll have to do.

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