Another Day

By pcc

Green Cicada

What a beaut frost we had this morning, and then a glorious day with blue skies and SUN.
Great opportunity to wash the dog, as the sun will help dry her along with the hairdryer.
Washing on the line, batch scones made, chicken soup, among other chores, so it is amazing when the sun is out how much more you feel inclined to do.
Thought I would photograph some of my "sol d'or" flowers for a blip, so dutifully picked them and put them in a vase, when suddenly an insect jumped off them. I was so surprised. I put him on a fern I had, and hoped he would stay there while I put on my macro. He moved around alot, and I found that I cannot hand hold the macro as I used too, but in the end I got one that was in focus enough to blip, and then I released him back to the garden.

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