Planko's Pics

By planko


It's a horrible wet day today, with little chance of me getting out to play with the camera.

Had to work most of the night because of a problem in one of our data centers and when I took a break from the computer I noticed the Clematis from the kitchen window. First time this one has flowered.

So I grabbed the camera and took a shot.

Mrs P likes flowers in the garden whereas my philosophy was "if you cant eat it I'm not interested". Thats changing now I've got the camera and am on the hunt for standby blip shots ;)

A Rose next to our front doorway also made for a good looking blip but I think the Clematis is nicer and my daughter will like it.

Talking of pesky princess, her favourite phrase at the moment is "you and your lenses Dad" followed by a little sigh which is quite amusing from a 10 year old...sounds so like her mother!

I think the bug is spreading though, as both pesky and her brother were well up for going out at the weekend with cameras and taking interesting shots. Hope it continues as Mrs P wont mind hours of blipping if the kids are in tow :)


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