With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


For once, Mrs Pepperpot could rise before noon, as the helper came to get her up in time for her appointment. Betty took us all to Southport and waited with mum to see the appropiately named Dr Toh, (definately not a quack).

I walked with the boys through some parkland to a garden cenrte. I'd forgotten they existed, they're like shopping emporia now! We were suitably amused for several hours looking at fish, garden sheds, barbeques, toys, frilly things, smelly things, books and oh, yes, plants. Betty and Mrs Pepperpot appeared, with her new toy (a wheelchair) now sporting a bright green plastercast She was still a little amazed at how her dislocation and it turns out a fracture, had been misdiagnosed. I am still fuming. Quacks indeed.

Another stream of visitors bearing flowers and chat followed, whilst the other ladies came to put mum into bed at 8.30pm. She's not that kind of person. The boys were tented as the rain began to fall, so I dashed round sorting guy ropes and then returned, with snores starting rapidly behind me, to Her Ladyship's chamber. She was entertaining with tales and a glass of wine. All good fun. I was very late to bed though, and completely done in.

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