
By Mo

some girl

It has been a privilege to watch our niece Natalie grow into the beautiful woman that she is today. She came out on the town (well, the Legion) with her old aunty and pals for an "end of term" party. She charmed all my friends and even gave me the Darphin hand cream that she won in the raffle! We got home at 4am, having watched the sun rise over the East Beach as we walked home. Yes, I know I should have blipped it.

What we needed was 7 kids to entertain (the K-M clan were visiting) so we were back at the East Beach in the evening where Nat did a grand job of building sandcastles, ably assisted by George and Molly.

It was great to have Nat and John visiting, hope they come back soon when we might be having a slightly less wild weekend!

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