
By Mo

Endings and beginnings

Took the lads to school for the last time this session.
Took George to nursery for the last time, ever. Attempted to orchestrate a presentation of our collective presents to the teachers (never work with children and animals!).
Dashed to the vet's with the cat for his neutering op.
Quick tidy up, back to nursery for George's graduation. Very emotional for parents and teachers (sniff) but the kids took it all in their stride.
Lunch at Steamy Dreamy (due to rain) with Molly and Ruaridh, Delphine and Adele.
Dashed to the vet's to collect the cat.
Back to school to get the lads and join in the "clapping out" of the P7s as they leave primary school. Very emotional, sniff!
Picnic at Lauderdale for Matthew's class - mums, kids, siblings.
Home for tea.
Last night at Beavers for Andrew. Playing hockey on the Bleachingfield - boys are so good at hockey, why do we think it's a girl's game? Little ceremony to send him and the others on their way to Cubs. Sniff.
Home. The lads played football and then got into a huge Bionicles making session. But now I really must put them to bed.
Tomorrow, we are doing NOTHING.

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