
By beveridge

Canada Day

Canada Day in London, hmmm a pretty uninspiring blip but one of only 2 shots I took today as there was people everywhere and I couldn't actually get into the square as it was all fenced off - not only was it party time in Trafalgar Square to celebrate Canada Day it was also the UK premier for the new Twilight movie (sorry I don't know its name) and Leicester Square (which I walked through) was packed with screaming girls - after battling through hoards of people twice with a huge gym bag I gave up - oh I was there as I needed to visit Lillywhites again a closely packed shop full of tourists and a large bag not a good mix - then I missed my early kickboxing class so had to make due with just one hour.

I guess this was sone of the giant TV screens which were not brought out for the football.

Also discovered today work has blocked access to Blip and Flicker having already lost Facebook about 6 months ago I ask what am I going to do at lunchtime when I don't go out?? Eeks more importantly when am I going to have time to look at and comment on all the wonderful blips :(

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