no pushing

I think I'll give up trying to bend this to the assignment's will and just post it as a picture of some string dangling from a branch. I can take a more direct assignment-based picture tomorrow. Sometimes pictures of string dangling from trees are just pictures of string dangling from trees and not visual metaphors for anything more profound. Likewise a fallen leaf in a little puddle on the parapet of a pedestrian bridge is sometimes just a leaf in a puddle and not the tongue of the tree-demon it might superficially resemble.

Yesterday evening Nicky announced that tonight was going to be cleaning-up-the-flat night so that we can spend all day on Saturday visiting places whose doors are not usually open. I therefore took the liberty of taking a very roundabout route home via the botanics to get a bit of exercise and air before potentially spending several hours sorting dusty piles into slightly less dusty piles small enough to hide in a box on a shelf too high for Nicky to reach. It ended up being cancelled as Nicky had found an excuse to go to Ikea and didn't get back until ninety minutes after me. No complaints. I can now put things safely in hidden boxes tomorrow evening whilst she's at her work AGM.

Although I had remembered my macro lens this time I only ended up taking one picture of a flower but the walk was the important thing. If you've not been there for a while then Beware the Closèd West Gate which might cause your walk to be lengthened slightly to reach the gardens via the north gate.

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