Corny Flowers
Another flower. Cornflowers are one of my favourites, and I love these mini ones (4 inches tall) grown from seed this year.
Last night was a lot of fun. We cycled a couple of miles to a friend's house, then barbie, wine and lots of chat and a very sobering cycle home through the rain. I managed a lie in this morning, then off taking Katherine to a leaving party thrown for her by a friend. Conor had his last speech therapy appointment with our NHS speech therapist, then off to join Katherine at her party. A water fight (the second of the day judging by the number of wet clothes strewn around) was in full swing when I arrived, so it would have been churlish not to join in. After a lot of fun it was time to drag her away from her friends, with lots of tears, presents and promises to email 'every single day'.
Katherine was, understandably, a bit down so we had a lazy afternoon of lounging around, eating, and watching Doctor Who on DVD.
The packing really has to start tomorrow....
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