The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Sandy's Sphere

Off early, to travel north to the Glen for a holiday.

Picked up an errant blipper Short Wave Vine and arrived at "The new hoose" of brother A. We were just in time to lunch and wish him well with his party who were climbing a local Munro and spending the night on the summit to celebrate a late summer solstice. The smoked salmon and wine were just some of the less than usual camping fare they hauled up with them.

We settled in and got Sally's bottom wet, with promise of much fun to come.

Nephew S managed to move half a ton of concrete blocks, and start to wire brush some window sills and make this amazing stone sphere. His talent knows no bounds.

Sally sits resplendant in the background, where she is moored on an old friend from teenage year's personal mooring. Thanks Callum.

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