Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother

Slow Sea

The theme today, for the BMC'ers, was The Usual more coastal photos from me!!

A lovely friend of Mr Cats&Dogs has lent us his camera so we can decide if a DSLR is for us or not.

So far I am in love!! not sure I wish to return the lovely camera either! :D

Today's effort was intended to try and catch some smooth frothy gushy water, so to that end there was faffing with shutter settings and dials and much squinting at small writing on shiny screens.

I am pleased-ish with the results, but I really am going to have to RTFM and learn/remember more about lenses and cameras

I took the colour right down as the sky was an unholy looking turquoise...something to do with my faffing??

Is a big number for shutter speed slow or fast?? I decided big was slow, but please feel free to offer advice to a complete novice!!

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