All too much!

Katie had her first doctor's visit yesterday. She came out in a temp and rash and they said 'bring her straight in'. She was met at the door by the waiting doctor, who she bawled at after he stuck the thermometer in her ear. He decided it's only viral, and she had a reasonable night sleep. Aside from these two symptoms, she was Katie as normal, smiling, giggling, hyper-bouncy bunny.

This morning she still had a temperature and woke up at 5. She often does that, then naps around 9.30. But this morning, at 8.15 she went in her jumperoo, was happily bouncing then suddenly fell asleep and slept for 1 1/2 hours, bless her! She's done really well to say technicall she's poorly, but is now feeling a bit sad and tired, bless her. But this had to be the blip, I couldn't believe she could be bouncing and then asleep in the space of a split second!

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