live and love your life

By Chocolatelover

Ridho and Krisna

nephew of my brother's girlfriend.
they have been making circumcision a few days ago, and today is their circumcision party . before went to their feast circumcision, me and my family also went to wedding party of my cousin.

information from wikipedia Indonesia:

Sunat or Khitanan or circumcision is the act of cutting or removing part or all of the front cover of the penile skin. Frenulum of the penis can also be cut simultaneously in a procedure called frenektomi. The word circumcision comes from Latin circum (meaning "play") and caedere (literally "cut").

Circumcision has been performed since prehistoric times, observed from the pictures in a cave that comes from the Stone Age and ancient Egyptian tomb. The reason this action is still unclear at that time but the theories predict that this action is part of a ritual sacrifice or offering, a sign of surrender to the Almighty, step into manhood, a sign of defeat or slavery, or an attempt to alter esthetics or sexuality. Male circumcision is required in the Islamic and Jewish religions. This practice is also found among the majority population of South Korea, America and the Philippines

Circumcision in infants has been discussed in recent decades. American Medical Association or the American Medical Asoiasi states that health associations in the United States, Australia, Canada, and countries in Europe is not recommending circumcision on male infants.

According to the literature the AMA in 1999, parents in the U.S. chosen to perform circumcision on their children mainly due to social or cultural reasons than for health reasons. However, a survey in 2001 showed that 23.5% of parents do it for health reasons.

The genital integrity advocates condemned all acts of circumcision on babies because they think it is a form of male genital mutilation which can be equated with female circumcision banned in the U.S..

Some experts have argued that circumcision was beneficial to health, but this only applies if the patient is clinically proven to suffer from diseases associated with sex. Some diseases that are likely to require circumcision to accelerate healing such as bleeding and cancer of the penis, however, these are rare. Fimosis disease can also be overcome with circumcision, although it has also developed other techniques.


.Mission completed - my parents finally gave their permission to me for a vacation. yay! i'll get a little vacation, but we *my friends and me* changed the plan, not to karimun jawa but we'll go to Tidung island *still in Indonesia*

have a great sunday all!!

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