Everyday Sfinx

By Sfinx


Why is it that as long as I can remember I have felt that wearing a tie makes me ...yes, just that...TIED!

tied to value systems I´m no part of

tied to conceptions not inspiring me

tied to positions I´m not comtortable with


I´m a man for Gods sake!

Maybe this affection go way back to my youth in the deep 60´s and the winds of value blowing there! Nevertheless I can´t stand myself those tragic occasions I wear it (forced by external forces on which I have no influence!), just like I can´t stand women wearing tie blouses (hope I´m not affending anyone!)!

I might need psychotherapy for this....probably I have a hang up (tie up!?) with authority...and of course I know the world is full of likable men and women wearing these things around their neck! I just can´t help it...

Yet, until getting some help ..I can´t think of anything more opposite to me (assignment14) than wearing that thing...yarhhh!!


Favourite blip of today Second Opinion

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