Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Toby chilling out this morning in the campervan.

Had a little walk with the dogs around Carsington water after we'd packed up. It was really busy and Alf has become a bit shouty and lungy on the lead since that horrible dog attacked him. It's a shame because we used to be able to let them off the lead anywhere and they would just sniff and play with other dogs but now Alfie seems to be really protective over Charley. He's not aggressive but he does go bounding up to the other dog barking with his hackles up so it looks as though he is. We don't really know what to do about it other than to keep him on a lead when we see other dogs but this just seems to make him worse. Maybe need to get some professional advice before it gets out of hand.

Toby needed feeding and it is 7 miles around the reservoir so we only did a couple of miles. Then we went for Sunday dinner at a pub Mr EG hangs out at waiting for his DofE groups to come by when he goes on his 'supervising' weekends.

Took Lime round the reservoir with Cara and Osh this evening and when I got home my Dad had dropped in, on his way back from an air show which was a surprise. Sleepy and ready for bed now. Night xx

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