Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Feeding Frenzie

Lunch was at the usual place with the parents........the driving range.

I took a blip of all the golf balls lying about doing nothing.

But I then had a couple of hours to kill so went to the Queens Park with the intention of taking some landscape shots.

I was sitting minding my own buisness - unable to get a decent shot of a swan.....strange considering there are dozens of them when a couple of young mothers arrived with their charges.

They all produced a loaf of bread each.....and it began.

It was worse than any scene from 'The Birds'

The pidgeons were first and the boys thought it was funny - well, they laughed for acouple of seconds.

Then the seagulls came in like dive bombers and nobody was safe - it wasn't so funny then.

Then it was the big boys lumbering in - they were taking no prisoners and it wasn't just the boys who were screaming in fear.

What a hoot.

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