
By Amalarian


This is Annarosa. She cleans houses. For the most part, she cleans holiday houses. She is a demon cleaner, no spec of dust escapes her. She passes harsh judgment on tenants. When I asked if I could take her photograph her hands went immediately to her hair and she giggled but she did not say "no."

She has a son and a daughter, both married, and she is a grandmother. She is married to Giovanni il rosso, John the red, not because of his politics but because he has red hair.

I think Giovanni used to work in a tobacco factory in town but like many Italians, retired in his 50s. He is now a woodsman who buys and sells wood. He owns a tractor with which he pulls cars out of ditches, notably my husband's, and tills the soil.

What boggles my mind is that they live in a huge house high up on the mountain. It has a view all the way to the sea on a clear day, of which there are almost none. They also have a vast swimming pool and an outdoor oven near it. We once went to a monster pizza party there. Somebody on Twitter wrote that the best pizzas in the world were to be had in New York. They have not had pizzas at Annarosa's house. My eyes stuck out like bilberries at the wonder of it all. Annarosa grows roses and they were as magnificent as the surroundings. I would kill for a house and pool that size, to say nothing of the view. Our view is not shabby but hers takes away the breath. .

Both Annarosa and Giovanni work hard and live well which only goes to show that all work is honourable and has its rewards.

PS: Many thanks for all the sympathy received yesterday for my tiresome pain in the neck.

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