John R Smith

By chamberlainjohn

all in a day's work

four geese, a shepherd, and Jean the collie-dug. Jean has just been showing off her immaculate manners and training by sitting motionless for 30 minutes watching these pretty stupid birds in a little pen. Then, birds released, Jean herds them round a field - running their little feet off - across a couple of bridges - and back into the pen. What a girl has to do to please a crowd!

The star of the show though was Bess -she is a 7 month old collie - and as "daft as a yett on a whinny day!" (Scots: as all over the place as a gate on a windy day). Bess is as yet nowhere near being sedate - and spent her time trying to distract Jean from her duties. In this picture she is not to be seen - because she is zooming round and round the field.

The shepherd insists she will be a wonderful dog one day!

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