'Cause The Flag Still Stands For Freedom

Happy Fourth to all my fellow american blippers! Hope you all enjoyed eating, fireworks, and hopefully lovely weather.

Went to Grandmas house for a small fourth of july family gathering. Swam a bit in the lovely 90 degree pool.

Fortunately I didn't have to travel very far to see my friends. Right behind Grandpas house is Macs house. And the boys had built a ladder for the sole purpose of transportation from Grandpas yard over the very tall fence into Macs. So once the ladder was hauled over to my side I was able to travel freely between the two parties =D Very convenient

This was taken when the family party was dying down and I was staying at Macs. My little cousin came to peek over the fence and I took a picture. I felt very unpatriotic not having pictures of any flags, parades, fireworks etc for the day so I did a bit of patriotic editing. =]

Very fun night at Macs house. Dominated in some pool volleyball. Met a slug named $39.50. Ate some really delicious burgers. (PS thank you mac for the cheddar cheese I'm sorry I lied and said I was allergic to american hehe). Didn't see too many fireworks but there was a bunch of great ones nearby. Awesome night :)

and also Happy Birthday to my darling Uncle Jack!

"The biggest example that I want to set for people is to dare to be different. Don't be afraid to be yourself just because you're not like everybody else in class. If you want to dye your hair green and that's what make you happy, then dye your hair green; no matter what other people might say about it. Not everybody is going to like you; that's the world we live in; that's reality. So when you're 50 years old and you looked back on your life, you want to know that you lived it for you not for other people."

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