Everyday is Red

By everydayisred

rescue me from me, and all that I believe

I applied for several jobs today located in the area which N and I are thinking of moving to.
I wasn't planning on actually looking until later, but I stumbled upon some things too good to pass up. They all looked very promising.
So now I just have to wait and see if I get a bite. But if any of these things come through, I just realized that I will be moving a whole lot sooner than I thought.
I'm scared and excited all at once. Change is always scary, so they say.

I've been listening to a lot of music lately, things that I have forgotten I liked. I like rediscovering songs that I have long forgotten about. Sometimes they have whole new meanings. Or maybe I'm just older, and what I thought was obvious is now a mystery, and what I thought was deep was truly nothing but a puddle. Either way, I don't mind. I suddenly feel older and wiser, maybe even a little better. It's funny how lyrics can do that to you.

bad today: more bad traffic followed by another slow day at the office.

good today: Found out a good friend of mine is not ignoring me, but instead never received an email I sent her! Damn computers! Also, had a great conversation with my sister on the way to work, I feel like such a grown woman when I talk to her. Also Farmer's market tonight, out and about with new Fall weather. hooray!
Lots more good today than bad, and that is well... good!

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