All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan checks out a bug!

Ethan spent his 2nd night in his own bedroom last night. He was up 3 times during the night though but luckily settled again fairly quickly each time. I woke again just after 7am and could hear him on the monitor chattering away to himself - cute!

We popped down to the hospital after he had eaten his breakfast so I could get my blood test done, that couldn't get done last Thursday. I did fast this time though so there weren't any problems getting it taken.

Foreveryoung and her hubbie came over at lunchtime and spent the afternoon and evening with us. It was too rainy to go anywhere for a walk though so we ended up just having a wander round the shops.

Ethan was a nightmare to get to bed tonight. He didn't want his evening bottle, either of formula or expressed milk and also knocked back a breast feed. He threw a complete tantrum when we tried to put him in bed and we ended up getting him back up again to try to calm him down. This is most unusual as although we have big issues with him waking up during the night, he normally goes to sleep at bedtime without too much of a fuss. As he had very red cheeks and seemed genuinely upset, I wonder if he's teething. Suspect it will be a tough night!

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