catch me i'm falling

By makeupyourmind

So mothers, be good to your daughters too

it's here!
i had an amazing time and i couldn't do it without my mom (purple shirt) :)
she's such an amazing woman. we've always had our differences, but however big they are, she's still my mom :)

she says i ruined the shot though! this was one of the mom/daughter pics with our family and family friends :D i've known these people all my life and love them so much!

i like being silly in shots. sometimes photographs just get too serious. kind of like life. i like taking the edge off of it!

my friends also came and i had an amazing time. i would be nothing without my family and friends, i know that now.
one of the best gifts i recieved was from blip's own serendipitous! (aka Alice) :) which was a photograph for our upcoming bliptrip! i'm so excited about it!!!! check her out. she's an incredibly talented photographer and filmmaker.

AMAZING day and also germany won 4-0! yeahhhh!

title: daughters - john mayer

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