
By tufty

Antique patronising!

Not a modern-day item...this is something about the size of a tea-towel (well, a bit bigger), tha would have been presented to the newly-wed woman in order that she might hang it on the wall to remind her of things worth remembering. Essentially, the message runs "A thrifty wife is a husband's delight!", but it rhymes better in Hungarian. At the best restaurant/wine cellar in this neck of the woods, there's a whole load of antique bits and bobs on the walls fighting for domination with the framed certificates of excellence, and I couldn't resist the absurdity of the whole thing...when I started to think that someone actually sat down and created this, by hand, in order to pass on a message to a younger woman....!!!! I had to have an extra bottle to get to sleep that night!

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