Ingunn in Oslo

By IngunnInOslo


Back to taking street portraits - and guess what, I met Per!!!
Are you amazed?? I'm too.

Me: What on earth are 6 policemen and a transporable police wagon doing in the middle of the day in our main street?

Policeman Per: We are watching out and keeping order in this part of the street.

I tried to look at him with big blue eyes (which is very hard since mine are brown)
No effect.
I tried to look at him like a mom knowing that the child is lying.
Some effect.

Per: Are you from the press?
Me: No, I'm not a journalist and not a pro photographer. But I do take pictures of people in this part of the street, that means the junkies and beggars, and writes little texts to the photos. Now you are a part of the street so I really want to take a picture of you too. May I?

Per agreed.

Me: I will need your name. First name will do. I will publish this photo on and write a little piece. Therefore I need to know if it is a coincident that you stand in front of TV2? (Got you;-)

Per then told me the true story. The television station had called the police station
to get them out in the street since they wanted to make a story about the police getting more into the streets (!) The police had agreed to stand a very short time outside the TV-station and then move a bit futher up in the street. (I didn't see any cameras)

There are little news in the summertime, but why should the TV-station invent them??
I dont blame the police. They want to get a better image for many good reasons. But that is a another story :-)

Per and the other policemen got to be "TV-stars" today, the people in the street was happy to see them and I got my blip - just because I'm NOT a journalist or professional photographer. Jippi for being such an amateur!!

Thanks to Per for being so friendly and for being a peopleknower: I think he understood without a word that I'm interested in real life.

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