Compost Mentis

By megatonlove

Stadhuis, Leuven

The ornate town hall or stadhuis of the city of Leuven stands proudly over its main square. The stunning lace-like structure is over 550 years old and was built in the Brabantine Late Gothic style (thanks, Wikipedia). It's much smaller than the more imposing Brussels town hall but I think it's a good deal lovelier.

Do view the picture large and you'll see what I mean.

The building behind the stadhuis used to be the city's library, and the old houses to the right of it have all been converted to cafés and bars. Leuven is a lively, prosperous university town, and boasts a spirited after-hours scene, fueled in part by its well-known local brewery, Stella Artois. Each Friday evening in July there are free concerts all over the town centre.

I spent the day in Leuven to escape building chaos at home, and to cheer up an old friend who was feeling overwhelmed by overstaying houseguests. We enjoyed a therapeutic lunch and did some window-shopping at the July sales. This was our view when we stopped at the Grote Markt for a restorative coffee. We could have sat there people-watching all day. I couldn't manage a photo with the stadhuis turrets in full. The only way I could have done that was to lie on my back on the ground, but I didn't want to cause a stir.

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