This Side Of Paradise

By kateleeharvey

The gloves of a fox ?!?!?!?!

I have no idea why these flowers are called foxgloves. But the bee's seem to like them so who am I to argue. Normally every year I pull up everything in the garden that start to sprout up that is not a plant that is already their. This year i didnt do that as i thought i would just leave things alone unless it was grass/dandelion and i am so pleased i did !! I have foxgloves that i have never seen before. I did have one HUGE mega foxglove but it fell foul to Daddy pig, Max dog and Harvey's football 'playing' games and was brutaly snapped clean in half. Something i still havnt let him forget about and was very sad about.

Harvey went to my Mum's today as i was at work again. She gave him his tea as i had to work late to make up the time i had off to go to the doctors. They were very sad when he left which i think is very sweet.

Having an early ish night tonight as Harvey was awake at 5.30am and i am cream crackered ! i have no idea what has got into him lately but he is waking up constantly in the night and crying out for us. I suspect it has something to do with Grandma's holding him till he goes to sleep in the day time and spoiling him rotten.

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