running towards nothing

By rtn

One week with the iPad

I know opinion will be very divided about the iPad. Yes, it looks shiny but isn't it a bit limited? I am loving mine and surprisingly it's often the functions/activities that other devices have been able to do for ages that are the most useful or pleasurable. The things I like best so far are:

Reading - it will depend on individual preferences but I really like this screen and the choice of books from is very good (and cheaper than UK prices)

Looking at photos: my own folders and Blipfoto look great, so easy to sit with this on the sofa and flip through some journals. Also some new apps coming along like Guardian Eyewitness. I've ordered the camera connection kit but haven't received it yet

Taking notes at meetings: the iPad is completely silent, doesn't heat up, battery life is good, so it's far less intrusive than a laptop onceyou get used to the keyboard (again, this won't suit everyone)

Web browsing, saving articles to read later - clear screen, ideal size, easy to set up favourites, feeds and a reader, pleasure to use. Don't think I will be buying many more newspapers and will be tempted by magazine subscriptions when they get going.

The only complaint I've got so far is that apps already available for the iPhone are coming to the iPad quite slowly.

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