The future's.......aye, I know!

Yup, even I couldn't quite go with the obvious as a title here*. (apologies for kwality here, I was unable to set my focus, dof and f stops)

As Edinburgh in July, is mostly populated by Spaniards, I am quite looking forward to Spain being in the World Cup finals. Monday in Embra could be fiesta time.

And talking of foreigners, Tesco appears to chocca with them. Now, I've nothing against fact I have actually been a foreigner myself on several occasions...but when you're trying to get your messages and there are foreigners cavorting in the aisles, it can take a bit longer than normal, to purchase one's andrex and asparagus.

I don't think that there's much more I can add. Today was just

Been listening to this a few times today. As Mark and Stuart pointed out, it's quite similar to this (and you know what? That's not necessarily a bad thing, is it?)

* jings I put that asterix on, because I was going to make a hilarious and profound comment down here ....but that was about 15 minutes ago. And now I can't recall for the life of me what it was...damn it.

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