ToWi's Journal Top

By ToWi

iPad = iPiece-o-crap

I received this as a gift. I've used it for a couple of weeks, just around the house. I'm not impressed. In fact I'm appalled at the poor performance of this thing. Warning: the rest of this is my list of gripes about the iPad. Unless you're into that kind of thing, I'd suggest you find better ways to spend your minutes.

1 - it cannot hold a WiFi signal. Mind you I'm only in my house or yard. Even sitting in one place the signal gets dropped.

2 - it will not remember the password to my own WiFi signal - even more of a hassle.

3 - the highly reflective screen makes it almost impossible to use outside.

4 - it's heavy for a little thing. For reading in bed it's too heavy.

5 - most of the "apps" (like the iPhone apps as well) are useless crap.

6 - you cannot see email attachments. none. zip. nada. email is reduced to text messaging.

7 - if you have an iPhone, not all of your previously bought apps will work not transfer over. the iPad apps have to be specially made for this piece.

8 - it does not support (or allow) Java - so the internet is not the internet... it's the internet "LITE". I am surprised at how much of the internet is actually Java based!

A friend returned hers. They charged her an $85.00 "restocking fee"!!!!!

Has Apple genius gone mad? I think so.

and, to put this all in some perspective - I have been buying Apple products since the first macintosh computer. I've usually been please with them (if not the price). If I had bought Apple stock in stead of their products, I'd be a rich man.

Along that line of thought, someone has put together a chart showing exactly that - what you would have today in stock value vs the product you bought. Here's his link:

to sum up - iPad - a disappointing piece of crap.

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