
By britni


earlier in the year, as i was unpacking my clothes, i broke the drawer that i had just so neatly stacked my shirts in. seeing as only a few shirts had not been put away, it was rather important to me that i could be able to open this drawer, so i promptly put in a request for the drawer to be fixed.

almost a month later..

this morning i got fed up and fixed the damn thing myself. insert screwdriver into slat, apply firm pressure, simultaneously push drawer upwards in a violent jabbing motion.. a perfect formula for an unstuck drawer. and now i have shirts :)

p.s. i'm rather captivated by the simplicity and classic style of b/w photos at the moment, but rest assured that i'll be posting in full color once this little phase is over.

p.p.s. extra thanks to all of you who checked out my sister's blipblog yesterday. i think it's clear where the artistic talent in the family lies..

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