All things Blipable....

By Tina

stray puppy

I haven't blipped this wee lass for a while... she lives by the main coast road.. and is such a sweetheart.
i guess she must have been here about 7 months now..
I try to feed her, but what with moving and packing, i have been a bit lax on the regularity of it..
But today i went up (last went on Sunday) and she was there like a shot!
she used to know the black car, but we have a hire car and she was a little wary..
I fed her some ham(she isn't a very Muslim dog is she!) and some left over chicken stew rice eggs and stale bread... she loved it...

It breaks my heart to see her there, and know im unable to do more than im actually doing..
I hope when i leave (10th July) maybe someone out there in Brunei will keep feeding her...

Today was odd.. my sea freight left.. 26 boxes with our lives in!
was going to blip them but decided Puppy was far cuter..

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