
By dp

I Started Something I Couldn't Finish

1000 blips - it's been a blast.

1000 pictures, 1000's of words. A few gems, some howlers, lots of boring ones, many weird ones, oh, and one Blip of the Week.

And you lot - a sort of virtual club that I joined, with most members intelligent, interesting, literate and talented people that it's been fun to hang out with. (The irksome few usually get weeded out.) Also been a good way of keeping in touch with existing friends and family, and a good new friend (yeah?) found.

Time to move on though - the days of posting daily are over. Every week? Highly unlikely. Every month? You never know, if something exceptional comes along, but I've decided pretty much that my journal as of today is closed.

The blipfolio will stay open - still one of the most elegant ways of displaying your wares on the interweb; I'll pop into the forums to discuss videogames inevitably; and I'll still look at those people's journals (my subscribees) that I've come to enjoy, respect and admire, and maybe even (gasp) make a rare comment on anything else that grabs my attention.

I'm off to attend to a neglected guitar and stock photo collection.

Cheers everyone.


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