
By PlanW

He aint heavy ...

Got a sister - had her all my life (technically as the eldest 'allmylife -3')
Had a mum - long since deid
Had a dad -long since deid
Grannies, Grandads, Aunties, Uncles - mostly deid
Brother? we aint got no brother? Really? Brother? Where?

My mum came from Ireland in the 50's, went to Birmngham, went dancing, got knocked up, had baby boy, had baby boy adopted, met my dad, had baby girl, moved to Kent, had another girl, kicked the bucket. The only two people who knew about the baby were my mum and her sister, no-one 'at home' could ever find out. Oh, the shame! The other sister, last remaining rellie in Ireland, has snuffed it and now the-sister-who-knew can tell us about the baby. Bombshell.

You'd think in this day of transparency and touchy-feely-ness that he'd be a doddle to find. We know his date of birth, name at birth, we're 99% sure we know his adopted surname, but we can't find him. Electoral Roll, Social Services, Adoption Agencies, the obligatory intermediary services they direct you to - who want many hundred of pounds by the way!! When I found out how much they charge I said 'sod it, we've lived without him till now!' but the terrier in me wont let go. He's registered on Genes Reunited - but not replying to the messages I sent, he might not have embraced the modern world of technology and might not check his emails.

I wrote to every Mr. B. Rother that I could find in the phonebook for the whole of central England, with stamped addressed envelopes (luckily I used 2nd class stamps because most of the robbing gits just knicked the stamps and didn't reply). I do realise that he could be anywhere, after all I'm 420 miles away from where I was born but I understand the statistics are the the majority of people stay within a few miles of where they were born all their lives (in fact some of the people where I live now have never got the bus into town!) I've even tried Facebook - stranger things have happened! Now what?

If you're an adopted Blipper born in Birmingham in 1958 to a woman called Mary - please get in touch!!!

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