
Today is me and my mothers birthday =] My eighteenth...Her...umm. ;) (Yes me and my mommy share a birthday, yes it is unique)

At midnight after applebees last night we went to 7-11 and I bought my first lotto card! It was a scratch off and I won 10$!!!!!! =]

Had to work this morning (thank you again Twass for the ride!). When I went into work the weather was gross and I was rather bummed but when I got out it was quite lovely indeed.

Stine came over to swim and we ended up waiting an hour or so for the boys to get there. We all went swimming and played some pool volleyball. And mommy ordered chinese for dinner which was quiteeee delicious! For dessert we had Cold Stone cake...my mommy accidently bought trick candles...that was a bit of a shock. I opened Anthonys gift which I absolutely adoredddd. (Granderson<3 shirt, Jeter shirt, BUBBLES!, a PURPLE and pink towel!, and a framed picture of me and him from prom<3333333 (awww) ). Most excellent gift, thank you again so so much anthony darling<3. I also got a gift card from Twass and Mac and balloons galore and potatoes from Stine! (Shes also taking me to Marist and a Mets game this weekend!)

After dinner and watching LaBron pick the heat (apparently this is sad)...we went to the beach and me up with Jackie, Owen, Neuman, Omar(Welcomehome!), Amanda C, and her friend whom I shall call Thursday. We hung out and chilled on the playground for quite a while.

Went to Dunkin afterwards where the man gave me four free donuts =] I love my birthday!

Lovely day! Happy birthday mommsie and thank you everyone!

I'll add links to more pics tomorrow but I have to wake up for work and its currently 1:34 am. Night all

"She always had that about her, that look of otherness, of eyes that see things much too far, and of thoughts that wander off the edge of the world."
-The Girl With No Shadow by Joanne Harris

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