my time behind a film cam

By usedfilm

New York Studio

On the day we moved in to the studio there was still building work going on inside the building and we had to park the truck across the road from the studio, on one of the many time taken the equipment into the studio, we had just come out of the build to see a dog with it's leg cocked up on one of our light stands, as we shout out at the dog we did not behind the truck was it's owner and the owner was Nat Portman with her dog Charlie she was just going for a walk down the street. Oh I am so sorry she said. I said if Charlie needs to go then he needs to go, she looked at me a said, do I know you from some were! At this point you will have to remember that the film crew is all ways told that you must never speak to the cast. This is the big thing the gap between the film crew and the cast. So I said something like, Oh yes we have worked together in three film, and Nat said. But that another story.

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