
By allfiredup


Yesterdays blip has shamed me into doing some work on the #1 project.
Or it just motivated me, either way today was spent fitting chrome work, a mirror and other trim. It's a long slow process, you don't dare scratch the new paint. The dust on it shows you how long the process is.
As I said yesterday this is a 1974 Toyota Celica LT. I bought it over ten years ago, the second one that I had owned. My first I bought when I was 20.
I drove this for a couple of years had it financially written off, by an 86 year man who came through a stop sign. I rebuilt it, repainted it, removed all rust, turning it into a beaut little sports car.
Then my need for it ran out, and my son needed a car. He drove it for a year, several times changing the aero dynamics, to the point that several corners had new creases and were shorter than normal. He lost his license, took the motor out, had great plans to fix it all back up, and bought a Ford.
Before it went to the dump, I bargained it back. I now owned it again, but it had never looked that bad before.
It has taken many years and a lot of hours to get back to this stage.
You have to have a passion to do this, it can be frustrating and it takes a very long time.
How ever, I find it extremely relaxing. I'm working on something that is totaly mine and the end result is pure enjoyment even with before I drive it.
Along the way I have learnt an entire new skill base, or built from one already learnt from previous, similar projects.

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