Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

This is an ex-computer!!

'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!!

My poor laptop . I've had her for a little over three years. She's lived in Florida and Scotland and has her her memory wiped 3 times. She was full of my photos, music, my important documents and all my bookmarks. She was the conduit for me meeting A and was how I kept in contact with my family when I was 4000 miles away.

She's been acting slow for the last month and so I used some software (that was very highly recommended from people in the know) to try and tidy up the files and get rid of some of the rubbish.

And it killed her. I killed her. :(

Poor lappy....it's probably going to be around Christmas time before I can replace her so will have to manage without a laptop.

I took lots of photos today at a graveyard A and I visited and they're all gone. She seemed to be working fine earlier so I loaded them onto her, forgetting the 'delete on upload' box was ticked. So on top of it all, I've lost all of them too.

Crappy crappy Sunday evening.

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