Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Pillow Castle

Pillow castles are great fun, it involves wrecking the sofas,
pileing all the cushions on the floor, and them clambering all over them,
games of peek a boo and chase round and round,
its such great fun, and was a huge distraction for me, as I have a 6th tooth popping through and it really isn't nice, and I am making sure mummy and daddy know about it!
I can almost stand unaided now, but don't have much confidence, so end up, dropping heavily onto my bum!

Heres some more pics, of pillow castle, mummy found it hard to know which to blip!!

yay this is fun
I didn't wreck your sofas honestly daddy,
finally over the mountain
Nearly todays blip!
serious peek a boo

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