
By AnnelieHberg


I was awake last night. It was very hot and I had a hard time to relax. Everyone was asleep so i was alone with just my thoughts as company. I was thinking a lot about my journey, my photography journey.

Today we took a walk to the village, just me and Maximilian. I thought i would take photos of the beautiful forrest we walk in, the beach, the sky or MAYBE even a flower. It didn't happen but god knows I tried.

We stopped at the little bridge. Maxi got caught by the sparkling water and just stood there, in silence. I felt how the feeling grabbed me and I just HAD to take a photo of him being deep inside his thoughts. I then realize what i am suppose to do at the moment. The other photos will come, if ever. For now I am drawn to capture feelings, to use my intuition and just blow away every "technical" doubts in order to follow and trust everything is good.

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EDIT: I thank you all so much for every single comment I had lately. i am totally stunned by all the words.

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