The 4th Category...

I have previously defined and categorised the 3 levels of Blip Bank entries. Today I came up with a 4th.

A premeditated and concieved blip. I heard a very interesting dicussion this morning which I want to try and illustrate with an image and blip entry. The image in mind, needs planning and a bit of work to get the constitute parts for it and additionally the write up needs planned and written. I have a few ideas of what to write but it might take me a bit of time to get it as I like.

Come to think of it, I have another category 4 blipbank entry in the form of ProjectMiniBaker which was co-concieved with EcodDad but that again requires a bit of time and engineering before I can do it. Speaking of EcoDad, he's also got a category 4 BlipBank entry which is a belter. I can't wait till he does that one when he can manange it. I think it was ProjectCatSuit or something.

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