4 Blues and then some...

By ju4bluz

More water

Should I start another blip journal that just features the different moods of the water?

It is difficult to see blips when you are busy running errands and doing the mundane stuff of daily life. I had to deal with the recycling today which meant a trip to the rather hideous Derryconnell Dump, nothing blip-worthy there, a quick dash through the supermarket, nothing blip-worthy there, into the kitchen to make two new exciting chutneys, too busy too messy to blip.

So in the end it is another - yep another - blip from my swim. This one actually does capture it, the sun seemed low and the water, well the water was absolutely freezing. How can the temperature change so drastically over a 24 hour period? The tide WAS exceptionally high, almost over the top of the pier so no heroic diving today!

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