
By Tinks

PS ... I love you !

Jade was doing her usually faffing about after her shower tonight! She's taken to wanting to brush and brush and brush her hair so it's beautiful... I remember not so long ago I dreamed about the day she would brush her hair properly, now I'm really not so sure! Talk about one extreme to the other, one minute it's like 'Stig of the dump' the next like 'Cinder bloody rella!'

Whilst she was brushing away tonight I took a few pics. Then I downloaded and cropped....

Jade: Ooh I like that Mummy

Me: Mmmmmm

Jade: Can you do it in black and white

Me: I can do it any colour you want

Jade: Really, how about blue?

Me: Yep!

Jade: Oooh that's really nice, how about red?

Me: Yep!

Jade: Oooh, I like that too, how about pink?

Me: Yep!

Jade: Ooooooh! The pink is great! Can you do purple Mummy?

Me: D'ya know what Jadey, it would be sooo much better if we took the shot properly, with a macro lense and then Photo Shopped it whatever colour you wanted... shall we start again?

Jade; No, no more photo's tonight, that ones just fine Mum... I'm going to bed!!!

Inspiration.... Abitblonde

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