
By Amalarian


Do I need a filter? The white in this photograph actually glitters brilliantly in the sun. The spikes look like silver foil. If it didn't I wouldn't have noticed it. Perhaps silver photographs as white. I am reluctant to use this but it's one of those days. Things to do, beans to fry, plus which it is clouding over and the glittering will be over.

These are wild clematis seed heads. The white spikes will curl in a few days and make a typical clematis head. It won't glisten. Normally they are high in the trees they are trying to strangle but this one is on a steep cliff and is trying to kill off a wooden fence.

It's a good thing I didn't throw away my old Japanese gardening trousers. They are made of heavy canvas, have hidden pockets into which rubber knee pads go and ample waistline pockets for lens caps and such like. They were sent to me from Mill Valley, California.

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